Recommending right franchise that meets Investor requirements . Introducing franchisor at right level with Investor. Completing the documentation, legal and other compliance part on behalf of Brand as well as Investor, thus providing end to end solution
Investor Acquisition
Find the right and potential investor in the stated geography for a Brand basis the Brand specifications and on boarding to meet Brands expansion plans in new geographies
Investor Servicing
Providing expert guidance to registered Investors basis their investment criteria, interest, industry preference and experience
Business Development
Providing the strategic road map basis Brand vision and plan to go out in other geographies there by benefiting on own Capital outflow, Risk reduction, enhancing the Growth in shorter period with proper control and monitoring mechanism
Brand Building
Identifying the potential Brands in the market, sharing the expansion plans, developing the entire documentation and legal with ROI matrix to replicate the model successfully in other geographies thus enhancing the footprints and revenue
Mall Consulting
tying up with strategic mall owners and builders for brand placement, space consulting, model consulting which suits best as per availability
Media Sales
space selling for events and exhibitions, print media , digital branding and promotion
Property Servicing
catering brand and investor property requirement with specification pertaining to area, locality, budget and frontage etc
Business Exchange
arranging buyers for buying out business out for sale